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how many people would rather throw out food than give it to kids who need it?


    In America 30-40% of food is wasted adding up to more than 20 ponds of food per person per month. Many restaurants dump tons of food each year than could have been givven away to kids and eve families who need the food.


     24 year old John Wadginski worked at a Safeway store deli in Davis, California Wadginski said  "I had to throw out 10-pound hams that weren't even toutched, it was easily 50 pounds of food a night." He asked if he could bring some of that food to local shelters. They told him no because of state and federal laws if anything happend thew would be liable.


    This showing how many people would throw out so much food because of laws that don't even invove donating food. Also how many people dont take that 30-40% of food to a local food bank that could be just around the corner. Don't be a part of that group of people just bring your extra around that corner.




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